21 May 2009

On #maddow, Chris Hayes of The Nation refers to Dick Cheney's "barbarous anti-constitutionalism." Wish I'd thought of that.
RT @rkodner: RT @youtube: Fun fact: More content uploaded to YouTube in 60 days than all 3 major U.S. networks generated in last 60 yrs

U of M President Bruininks Explains What The U of M Will Look Like After Pawlenty Cuts $190 Million From Higher Ed… | DUSTYTRICE.COM

“There are not enough stimulus dollars to mitigate the cuts,” Bruininks said, adding that the U was contemplating a double-digit tuition increase, perhaps as high as 15 percent. “We can’t add very much. I don’t want to burden our students and their families.”

“Then [Speaker Kelliher] and the president moved onto jobs. The U has already cut 1,000, and Bruininks figured another 500 to 700 job cuts would be necessary.”(-MinnPost, Bruininks spells out coming hard times at U, G.R. Anderson Jr., May 18, 2009)

Lexington: Read it and weep | The Economist

The Economist notices The Onion. Too funny.

Comedians have yet to figure out how to mock Barack Obama. The only exception is a newspaper founded in 1421
RT @rkodner: Clickilepsy: u think pressing keys harder, faster, repeatedly, more likely to get desired result. Cure? Tequila, Xanax.
@rkodner I used to repair Kaypros. Did you do the clock speed modification?
RT @rkodner: Dragging out my 1983 vintage Kaypro II and Wordstar disks this weekend to show kids what old school "luggables" were like!